Thank you for allowing me to speak to the committee today.
For my remarks, I would like to focus a bit on defence procurement in the past, the present and the future.
Looking back, one of the most difficult periods for the Canadian Armed Forces in recent history was the late 1970s and early 1980s. Successive governments had cut into the military budget, downsizing and reorientating the forces while delaying modernization. By 1980, the Canadian forces faced obsolescence in the face of significant advances by Warsaw Pact militaries.
While downsizing had cut the military's standing forces, it still retained a capable administrative system with enough institutional memory to execute the new programs. By 1990, the military had replaced a number of its key capabilities with the CP-140, the CF-18 and the Leopard 1, while others, such as the Halifax-class frigates and the North Warning System, were on the cusp of being deployed.
On the surface, Canada's situation today resembles that of the 1980s and may even seem to be on the same trajectory if 2017's “Strong, Secure, Engaged” had been executed as envisaged. Unfortunately, the reality is far worse now than it was back then.
Many of the same systems we acquired in the 1980s are far beyond their rust-out dates and are not anticipated to be replaced for another decade or more, due to failing program execution. While defence spending has increased over the past eight years, much of it has gone to operational accounts due to growing international commitments. This has masked the increasingly dilapidated state of the military's capital base.
In other words, our system of procurement is fundamentally broken. Deliveries of major capabilities can now be counted in decades, whereas years should be the norm. The remotely piloted aircraft system, which will deliver a medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle, is about to enter its 17th year of existence without delivering a platform. By comparison, many of our allies, such as the United Kingdom, Germany and France, have brought equivalent systems into service in under four years.
These failures have occurred at an inopportune moment, as the international security environment has deteriorated rapidly in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and China's destabilizing efforts in the Indo-Pacific. Our allies have increased spending and launched a broad modernization of their forces, whereas Canada's efforts seem to be stalled by comparison.
In short, the system of acquisition is fundamentally misaligned from the focus of delivering critical defence goods to our soldiers. Over the past four decades, it has become progressively slower and less able to meet our national defence needs, due to several factors.
The first has been the increase in non-defence objectives in procurement, most notably for delivering economic and social benefits to Canadian society through these purchases. Second, a number of perceived failures, such as the initial cancellation of the F-35 purchase in 2012, resulted in ill-considered reforms. They added layers of unnecessary process, diluting individual accountability and increasing costs and delays in these programs.
While our present situation is suboptimal, the real cause of concern is the Canadian Armed Forces of the future, which in reality is already here. Reflecting the rapid and fundamental evolutions in our societies that we are experiencing due to the confluence of new technologies, warfare is undergoing a similar shift. What I outlined earlier is a 20th-century approach to war-fighting and procurement. Canada must move into the 21st century.
A core consideration is the information dominance strategy. In the United States, this exists under the joint all-domain command and control approach, or JADC2. This doctrine seeks to aggregate and integrate information from all available sensors, analyze it and disseminate it to all units that can effect action. Canada's major allies, including Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, are implementing similar approaches, and their force structures and doctrines among all of their services have already been drastically affected. On a granular level, a platform's connectivity and integration to existing networks and command and control systems are often as important as its physical attributes.
Canada has not adjusted to this new reality. While “Strong, Secure, Engaged” did contain verbiage that acknowledged the utility of joint intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance for the battlefield, the Canadian Armed Forces has lagged far behind its allies in this area. For example, if we look at the remotely piloted aircraft system, or RPAS, the procurement has largely focused on physical capabilities, but minimal consideration was given to how the platform would play in a broader networked environment. This would be akin to buying a top-of-the-line smart phone and using it only to make phone calls.
In many ways, this shift, when it comes, will be a fundamental one for the department and the government. Its implications will be profound and widespread, affecting not only the military operations but how we procure systems. For some systems, such as software naval capabilities, how we approach them will directly affect their military utility. It requires procurement approaches that are flexible and innovative, delivering capabilities rapidly to our soldiers in order to face these new threats.
I thank you for this time today. I look forward to your questions and comments.