I call this meeting to order.
Folks, let's get started. I see quorum.
I offer insincere apologies to the witnesses, all of whom appreciate the difficulties of getting started on time.
This is a pretty important study the committee is dealing with. It's pretty well universal among committee members that the procurement system is not working, and it's certainly not working at any level of efficiency. As the threat analysis is getting more and more dire, we don't enjoy the luxuries we may have had in other years of being able to be a bit more leisurely about our procurement, hence the desire of committee members to bring all of you together, as the main players, to talk about what the current system is. However, I hope you will feel free to offer your suggestions on how to improve the current system.
I hope that doesn't impair your employability later on, but as I said, we can't carry on the way we're carrying on. We need some answers, and you folks are in the midst of this.
With that, I've asked the witnesses to be economical in their statements. I'd like to see a three-minute statement, if that's possible, but I'm not going to be too harsh about it.
I understand we're going to start with Mr. Page, then go to Mr. Crosby, Madam Tattersall and Mr. Xenos. We'll go in that order.
If you can, make it three minutes, Mr. Page. Thank you.