I'll borrow something and twist it into a hypothetical answer. If we have a product and DND would like to buy that product from us, but they find out through their means that we're the only company that makes this great, innovative...we'll call it a widget. They want to buy that widget from us, but we're the only ones who make it and we're in Canada. What do they typically do? In some cases, they may open that tender up to everybody to quote on.
It's like saying I'm going to Hamilton next week and I need to get a new set of wiper blades, so I go to Canadian Tire, I get my wiper blades and I put them on. I don't go and get three quotes from three different places to buy my wiper blades. I probably paid a fair market price for them, but I got them right away because time was critical.
That's the type of thing when DND wants something and there's a Canadian manufacturer that can make it, and the analysis is, “Is there value for money?” You're buying a Canadian product that's made in Canada. Do you have to pay a few pennies more? Possibly, but what's it going to cost for you to go through a bidding process and evaluate products from around the world and everything else? Is there still value for money? Sometimes it's easier and quicker. You might pay a few pennies more, but you're going to get what you want and you're going to get it more quickly.
I don't know if that answers the question.