That's a good question.
When I started getting involved in the defence sector, it was very much that sort of question: Where do I start? What do I do? How do I know about these things?
If you hear something on the radio that says there's this company in London that was just awarded this huge vehicle contract from the military and you think you should go visit them, you're probably about five years too late.
The thing with the defence sector is that the sales cycle is extremely long. You need to get involved earlier on. You can just Google how you do business with the Government of Canada and you'll find some information there.
I was actually giving this some consideration last night. If you want to get involved in the defence sector, pick up the phone, call your MP and say who you are and what you want to do. In some cases, they can put you in contact with your RDA, your regional development agency. They will help you tremendously in navigating the defence circle: what you do, where you go, who you can talk to, what associations you can join, what events you can take part in. It comes down to doing your homework on the industry and on where you play and who you talk to. Then it's just a matter of time.
I remember a number of years ago getting a call from a company out west and the gentleman saying, “I was told to give you a call because I want to get involved in the defence sector. I attended this meeting and sent off some information. When am I going to hear about the program?” I said, “Well, maybe in about three years.” His answer was, “Three years?” I was talking to somebody who was used to oil and gas. He said, “I'm not waiting for three years. I'm going to go back to doing what I want to do.”
There's a level of patience that's needed in the defence sector. Things do not happen quickly. You need to get involved in navigating it, going to the association meetings and the events, meeting the people within the defence sector who get involved with the design work, and understanding, from the standpoint of your company, where you fit into this whole world. When you look at different types of systems, putting a piece of textile on a ship is going to be different from putting that same piece of textile in a kit going to the Arctic.
There are different types of requirements, so you really need to understand, as with any industry, what that industry looks for, what the demands on your product are and whether your product meets them. There might be certain areas where you just don't play.