Thank you very much.
I want to say thank you for joining us. As mentioned, it's very late where you are, and I certainly really appreciate the fact that you took the time to share some of your perspective on what's happening.
I think you know that we have not been immune ourselves to climate change and its impact, and certainly this summer here in Ottawa—I'm a proud resident of Orléans—we had wildfires all across our country and here. It was terrible. We had a lot of smog due to those wildfires. We had flooding and tornadoes. Ottawa is now designated a tornado area, and we have been relying on our military.
I appreciate Mrs. Gallant's perspective on volunteering. Volunteers have come forward, and we sometimes need the extra help.
I was wondering, beyond the military, how NGOs like the Red Cross assist regarding recovery and support efforts. Are they complementary to the military efforts that you are seeing?