The humanitarian workforce that Minister Blair has started is an extremely important program. We know that what we have learned during previous disasters.... If you go back to 2017, during the wildfires in British Columbia, the Red Cross and many other non-governmental organizations stepped in to provide support. What this does is it gives the government operations centre a greater ability to look at other organizations to respond, so whether it was the Red Cross or The Salvation Army, or in some cases even the United Way, when it came to the Northwest Territories, what we were doing was actually providing funding to build up their capabilities.
We are now also discussing how we can enhance the coordination in these types of emergencies, and more importantly, be able to exercise, because when it comes to an emergency, there's the actual response to the event itself, but also there are many other things that take place when you look at the evacuation of Canadians.
There's a lot that goes into that, and we want to make sure we have the right organizations as part of this humanitarian workforce that can provide the appropriate assistance.
Trevor, did you want to add anything?