Just as a note, you mentioned Crown-indigenous affairs and services, but when they go to that department too, they are being shifted back to yours. This game of back-and-forth is particularly difficult for those nations.
You talked about the firefighters and level 1, level 2 and level 3. One concern that has clearly been brought to my attention over and over again is the fact that those firefighters across the board, whatever level they're at, are fitted with gear that is actually toxic. In all of the things they deal with environmentally, whether they are level 1 or level 3 or what have you, they are faced with the fact that they often have to breathe in toxic smoke, and the gear that is meant to protect them is killing them.
I want to know directly from you what is being done specifically in dealing with all of that, to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure that they don't have gear that, again, is meant to protect them but ends up in fact doing them more harm.