That's great to hear.
I want to talk about the pandemic. You mentioned that earlier. Looking back on my time on our city's housing board, we were substantially impacted by the pandemic. It impacted our ability to get into units and make the necessary repairs. There was a reference made earlier to the condition of the units. When there were provincial lockdowns—I'll highlight that they were provincial—our staff had challenges getting into those units to make timely repairs.
We were also subject, obviously, to the provincial rent freezes that were extended to all landlords. That created, for an organization much like yours, which relies on rent revenues to pay for impacted our ability in future years to, again, undertake necessary repairs that were delayed through the pandemic.
Can the committee get a glimpse of how the agency was impacted by operating under standard operating procedures with the pandemic in place, and what you've done coming out of the pandemic to make up for lost time?