Why don't I take a run at that, Mr. Chair, and then turn to the vice-admiral.
SACEUR has implemented some extraordinarily robust deterrence measures. We are very clear, every ally, and this has been enunciated clearly by the Secretary General and by SACEUR, that every inch of alliance territory will be defended. Its very robust defensive plans, which the vice-admiral spoke to a moment ago, that are being implemented. We're moving huge numbers of troops forward, setting up much stronger defences on the eastern flank.
There are no indications at all that Russia is looking to provoke a fight with NATO, but we're a defensive alliance and we're putting in place the necessary defences.
The rhetoric about putting nuclear forces on alert has been described as reckless and it's certainly unnecessary. This is the essence of deterrence. We are a nuclear alliance and we are willing to signal our resolve to defend every inch of alliance territory.