I will definitely bring my amendment.
I apologize to the officials. I hope I have the co-operation of my colleagues so that we can move on quickly.
Mr. Chair, the original text reads, “Given that, the Minister of National Defence is increasing rent for Canadian military personnel”. I would like to scratch “the Minister of National Defence is increasing” and replace it. After the words “given that”, we would be removing “the Minister of National Defence is increasing”. After the words “Canadian military personnel”, we would add the words “living on base is increasing”. After the words “this April”, we would add, “that pursuant to Standing Order 109, the committee request a comprehensive government response.”
For the interpretation and for my colleagues, I will read the amended text to all of you.
It would read, “Given that, rent for Canadian military personnel living on base is increasing this April, and at a time when the military is struggling to recruit and retain personnel, the committee report to the House, that the government immediately cancel all plans to increase rent on military accommodations used by the Department of National Defence this April and that pursuant to Standing Order 109, the committee requests a comprehensive government response.”
I'm sorry. We'd be removing “this April.”