Well, first of all, I would go back and acknowledge completely the importance of ensuring we provide all the supports appropriate and necessary to victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault within the Canadian Armed Forces.
We have also been working very hard to give them other opportunities to pursue their complaints and find a resolution. We're making significant investments in the supports they require as victims. For example, instead of having to exhaust all grievance procedures, they can go now directly to the Canadian Human Rights Commission to have those matters investigated. We've been working very hard to ensure those processes work more appropriately and in a speedier way.
As to giving them access to those files and that information, I think under the current system some of them have faced challenges, but we are seeing fairly significant improvements as we respond to the recommendations of Justice Arbour and Justice Fish. We've made it a very significant priority to deal more appropriately with men and women who experience sex-related offences within the Canadian Armed Forces to ensure we can resolve those matters more appropriately, more speedily and, frankly, more caringly.