First of all, I work very closely with CSE and have in other portfolios as well. Their legal mandate and their authorities do not allow them to intercept the communications of Canadians here in Canada. There may be some circumstances—because people are quite mobile—in which their communications may be subject to signals interception outside of Canada.
We are very fortunate that the structure currently in place through NSIRA performs a very important review function, as does NSICOP. We've recently established another oversight body within the government, the National Security Council. Also, I'm very regularly updated on the actions of CSIS and the work they do. I can only share with you that it's very clear to me when I speak to the chief and all of her staff that they're very mindful of the legal constraints on their operations. My experience has been that they're very rigorous in their adherence to those legal requirements.
If NSIRA had concerns, I would happily look at them, but such has not been consistent with my experience.