Mr. Chair, I'll comment on the multi-generational aspect of procurement. I will tie it to this study because it's already been flagged for this group that there was a large ATIP related to the surface combatant.
When you're dealing with one of these multi-generational procurements, the records we have and the people who are involved in the procurements change over time. The minister mentioned digitization in his opening remarks. Think about that in the context of someone who has moved on from their job when the ATIP comes in. They may have filed their emails properly and there may be paper records. Someone who was not here at that time is now basically wading their way through those records to pull together some information.
That's the challenge on some of these long-standing procurements. Surface combatants are a great example. I'll underscore the minister's comments on digitization. That will help us with that.