Would you please provide the committee with a written outline of the protocol that will happen? There are existing cases being transferred to the civilian court and they aren't getting the information they know was put into evidence.
Next, it's not just ATIPs but grievances that are not being responded to. We had a situation where a whole pod of women had a senior officer come into their pod at night—that's what it's called in Saint-Jean for basic training—and grope them from time to time. A complaint was put forward by more than one woman, yet when one of the complainants went to the commanding officer, who was a female, and said, “We haven't received any reports. What's being done about this?” the commanding officer said, “There have been no reports made.”
They grieved the process and there was still no response. Eventually, the chief griever was thrown out of the military—no, she wasn't thrown out. She kept being failed in her nursing course and then saw the writing on the wall that she was never going to get through this endless loop. She left the military, but worst of all, all she wants after serving on and off for 10 years as a nurse is her veterans card.
That being said, why is it that grievances aren't going forth and being acted upon?