It's disappointing, though, because ultimately the independence of the ombudsman could, in fact, be elevated. It could help with that transparency we were talking about.
There have been stories about this. We hear in the media about those nil responses and lack of transparency. I'm thinking about the specific story David Pugliese brought forward in The Ottawa Citizen when he got a nil response for an ATIP. He then received the information separately. It wasn't that there weren't documents available. They were, in fact, available.
The option on that transparency, from what I hear, isn't necessarily from journalists. It's from those within the CAF and DND themselves who are looking for answers. A lot of that is because of those who have suffered sexual misconduct. They're looking into their own cases. They're desperately trying to get information about themselves that hasn't been released. One of the ways they can do that, if they are faced with that lack of information, is go back to the ombudsman for support.
Again, we come back to the importance of the ombudsman.