If a department claims an extension in excess of, say, 60 days, not the 1,000 days that I was referring to or the 300 to 500 we see—because that is a complete denial—we should be using such a presumption and then going to the bank with it. You don't even have to go to the Information Commissioner if you are able to go to the Federal Court.
Most of the time what we are requesting—and what we've requested in the four requests put to the department—is significant enough, but we won't get a decision. If that is the case, a judicial decision would be required. That should bypass the normal and complete mechanism of going through the Information Commissioner, which takes forever to do.
It could be a ceiling that an organization cannot claim more than—and I'm using an artificial figure—100 days. If it does more than that, the requester would have the ability to bypass the established review mechanism through the Information Commissioner and go to a judicial review in a civil court. If that happens, we're going to see a significantly lower number of extension requests beyond whatever days.