I think we've talked around it a bit here today. It has to be about developing a system where we reward proper behaviour and punish inappropriate behaviour. I talked about my personal case. There were eight or 10 people involved and every one of them was promoted. What do you think their underlings now see as the proper way to move ahead in the organization?
Mr. White talked about discretion inside the military chain of command and someone who didn't get a posting. When his colleague sees how that works and gets the chance to be in a place of command or obtain something for his benefit, he's going to use the same behaviour.
We all talk about culture change and how we're going to change the culture. We go on ad nauseam about it, but what do we do? We don't go after what's causing the culture to be broken, which is the behaviour of individuals in the culture. Unless we want to weed those people out and start rewarding proper behaviour and punishing bad behaviour, we can talk about culture until the cows come home, but it's not going to change.