Look, not to repeat myself, but let me repeat myself.
We're talking about people who have been put in positions of authority. There are guidelines on what they're supposed to do. They're well written. When I first joined the public service after a long stint in the private sector—I should have stayed there—what I was given was a thick binder. It didn't tell me just about how I should behave; it told me how I should dress and how I should present myself. It was a binder of about 200 pages on how executives should present themselves.
In it, they talked about ethics, being accountable, understanding the law and doing the right thing. It was an ethos, so I said, “What a place. Let's rock and roll.” However, it's funny that the farther you get up the ladder, the thinner the air gets—I'm sure that's what happens—and the blood rushes to their heads or their egos.
We have a system in place. We don't need to reinvent the wheel. We have the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act if someone wants to blow the whistle on something, but we see that system abused. We have an ATIP process that is supposed to follow a step-by-step, logical format in order to release information, and it's not followed. It's circumvented by people in the system.
How do we change the culture? I'll go back to this again: We have to start rewarding proper behaviour and punishing bad behaviour. Why do we promote people when they do the wrong thing? Others come forward and offer themselves up, saying, “Listen, guys, this is what's going wrong. Can we get a little help here?” Those people are turned on.
You absolutely have a fundamental flaw here, but it's not with your policies. Your policies need updating, sure they do, and you need to adjust a few, add a few things to them and bring in a few more nuances and codicils there, but what we have to get at is the behaviour of the people currently sitting in the seats.
I read the transcripts from when Mr. Matthews was here. He was asked a question about the ombuds model, and he said they have no control over the ombudsman's office. Then, in the next statement, he said they were thinking about loosening up some of the controls. Those two comments don't make sense. How is it you have no control and you're going to loosen the controls? It's one or the other.
We don't challenge people when they do things that are inappropriate and use and manipulate the rules and regulations in place to suit their needs. I think we have to get back to that.