This next one about working meals is one that sometimes has a little debate. I have my own views on this, but I'd welcome the views of the committee.
This will authorize the clerk of the committee to make necessary arrangements to provide working meals for the committee and its subcommittees. I think this is a debate that's going to come up in any event, so we may as well have it now.
Some committees, particularly those that sit between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., have meals brought in every meeting. I personally have a problem with sitting here and eating in front of witnesses or while the committee is going on. If we can't eat before we go or after 1 o'clock.... I'm in the hands of the committee, if that's what you want to do. I would think if we were perhaps having a solid working session, where we were not having witnesses or anything, it might make sense to bring food in on an ad hoc basis.
What are your thoughts?
Mr. Harris.