In a nutshell, at the end of the day, what are we suggesting? What I would like to focus on for a brief period of time are some of the government policy suggestions that we have. They're addressed on page 10.
First of all, we suggest that you capitalize on Canada's natural resource base by emphasizing the role of biological sequestration.
Second, we should recognize the unique nature of the Canadian forests and their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change by rewarding and incenting superior forest management performance. We have demonstrated the potential for this ourselves, for our own company, and for the industry as a whole.
Third, we should recognize future reductions in greenhouse gases from forest management, within the context of an overall climate change policy, by recognizing biological sequestration within offset and trading systems. In the past few years, the inherent potential of our natural resources to address the challenge of climate change has fallen off the table. Recognizing biological sequestration and, more specifically, forest management as a key component of an overall climate change action plan will put it back on the table and tap into Canada's natural advantages.
Those are our formal submissions. If there are any questions, we'd be happy to answer them.