I can answer that question.
Just so everybody understands, you're absolutely correct. We have an affiliated company, Irving Oil Limited, and I can honestly say they operate completely separately and distinctly from our operation. That's why we're not talking about them tonight. They have the largest refinery in Canada, but we're the forest products group and, in fairness, we rarely speak to them on various issues. That may sound strange.
One thing some of our companies are looking at, irrespective of Irving Oil, is biodiesel. We have companies that do waste management, a company by the name of Barrington Industrial Services Limited, that works in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. They have a couple of projects on the go right now. One of them is looking heavily at biodiesel and hydrocarbon sludge. I understand Cavendish Farms, which is the french fry operation run out of P.E.I., is also looking seriously at doing something with the oil and possibly looking at biodiesel.
So yes, we're looking at that, looking at biomass, endophyt seedling research. An interesting project to deal with the endophyt seedling project is that we're injecting trees in a research project to see if we can make them resistant to spruce budworm. It's a project we've worked on with ACOA and that goes to some of the other points of research and development. We spend over $2 million a year on research and development; biodiesel fits into that, and we are looking at a number of things.