I will try to answer, and Mark may add part of the answer as well.
As a forester, globally in Canada we plant something like 500 million, but by law, every hectare of forest harvested needs to be regenerated, either through plantation or through natural regeneration.
What I mean by natural regeneration is working with Mother Nature. Mother Nature is pretty good. In many cases, as you harvest, there are seedlings and saplings that are ready to grow as well. If you harvest properly, you will basically protect those species. There are also more seeds coming in, and more trees that come in naturally. So it is probably 50% plantation and 50% natural regeneration, but you need to meet some standards, say in terms of number of seedlings per hectare and also in the way they spread through that hectare.
You can have all of them in clumps in one corner. That isn't what you want. You want them to spread throughout that area as well. So we need to meet some of those standards. Obviously standards vary from one province to another, because forest management, by law, is a provincial jurisdiction.
Going back to your very interesting question about aboriginal issues, as an industry, basically we've been a partner in terms of development. We recognize as well that first nations have socio-cultural activities in their region where we do practise forestry. Once again, it varies in terms of consultation and ongoing discussion. In some cases, joint ventures have been developed.
As an industry, we do recognize that if you look at land claims issues and rights, it's very much between the federal government and the provincial governments. As an industry, we are in between, and our role is to maintain the moral high ground and really try to look at economic development and social development and develop partnerships, in some cases, and have proper consultation.
Do we have a proper recipe? I don't think so. There are a lot of things being tested out there, and various consultations. There is an excellent example of proper consultation, joint venture, and actually, in terms of employment, we believe that in the industry a significant part of the employment is with first nations as well. I think we are one of the largest employers of first nations, as an industry, as a sector.