Yes, thank you.
To follow up on what you were saying, you had mentioned earlier seeing trucks go by with cut wood. We've beaten our own drum a bit about being the tree-growing company. The fact of the matter is that we cut trees as well; we harvest trees. There's no denying that. At the end of the day, based on projections of our growth curves and our harvesting projections, we are net growers of trees. We grow more trees than we cut. So that's why, on a net basis, our sequestration of carbon dioxide is greater than if we didn't do anything.
In terms of biological diversity, there's kind of a myth that by reforestation, you get a monocultural type of wood stand. The fact is that our plantations are more genetically diverse than natural stands. We plant more than one species. In terms of wildlife, our studies have also shown that there's more diversity of wildlife in areas that we have reforested as well.
To follow up on what you were saying, we've done a lot of things, and we can do a lot more. Most of our decisions are based on an economic model. We grow and cut for economic reasons. We and other companies can do a lot more, if properly motivated, in terms of a climate change or biological sequestration model. If rules are put in place that incentivize the types of things we've been talking about here, then there's tremendous potential in our natural resources.