Having listened to the back-and-forth in the argument, I think Mr. Cullen's presentation was actually fairly reasonable when he said to just let him reword it, take out what he termed “colourful” and get it into the form of a proper motion. He's not going to win the votes from this side of the House at this point, but then it will be in a proper form and it will be dealt with. It won't end up bogging down the committee in the future or cause relations problems, etc. Mr. Cullen will get what was more of a technical oversight had he split the sentences, and we won't do it.
I can't speak for all of the government members, but I know some of us would be willing to do that. I think it would also satisfy the opposition's requirements. Unless there's a member willing to object, we could then move to unanimous consent to let Mr. Cullen revise it in a way that's acceptable, which sounds like it shouldn't be a problem, from what I've heard him say. We can then go through the vote and the resolution, and if it has the majority of the committee, it can pass today.