Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and thank you very much, Mr. Brown, Dr. Hamza, and Mr. Cliffe for being here.
I'm sure the committee is looking forward to going up and seeing the projects first-hand. I know I am personally. I have questions in two areas that have given me concern.
Regarding the extent to which the present operations are impacting on groundwater, and affecting fish, water consumption, and water pollution, are we monitoring the extent to which that is a valid concern, and are we developing a strategic plan to deal with that? That's the first question, Mr. Chairman.
The second question concerns greenhouse gases. In her report, the Commissioner of the Environment indicated concern with respect to greenhouse gases as they relate to present modes of operation. Again, are we monitoring the implications with respect to the quantification of that, and again is there any strategic plan to deal with that, as we look at these other technologies and these other approaches?
Those are my two questions. Perhaps, Mr. Brown, you'd like to lead off on that.