Ultimately, it is the consumer of the product. The person who fills up her gas tank at the service station is paying the cost of it. This is all privately developed, so it would be private pipeline companies. And the economics of it is that typically, a pipeline company, before it puts pipe in the ground, would ask shippers for firm commitments. So in effect, they are renting a portion of the pipeline and they pay that rent whether they use it or not.
There are also projects being proposed, I think, in the area around Chicago, which is probably the biggest single market for product from the oil sands, to take oil sands product farther south into the U.S. Midwest and even down into the gulf states. That would be a second area of expansion. That, I think, is probably where the largest number of projects and the largest projects are. The third area would be to increase capacity south from Alberta into Wyoming and Colorado.