Mr. Ouellet, we are in entire agreement. The only reason electricity isn't on this list of resources is because it is an intermediary between some of the raw materials. So you see hydro and wind on this list. In fact, all those bottom ones--solar, wind, tidal ocean wave, hydro, and uranium--result in electricity.
Electricity production in Canada is a critical thing that we must move on as well; there is no question whatsoever. I am not advocating oil sands. I would never advocate oil sands development to the exclusion of other forms of energy. Again, I'll come back to my comment about a magic bullet.
It is essential that we develop...and in fact Quebec would be a marvellous region. I think I'm correct in saying that Quebec has announced plans to go ahead with more major hydro development. I'm really gratified to see that. As you heard me say earlier, I am passionate about the fact that Canada and the world can produce and use more energy, and the world will be a better place if we do.
Hydro is a wonderful, clean form of energy. It is not entirely clean because it does take energy to produce cement to build dams in the first place. I know you recognize that.