Thank you.
I thank the witnesses for the presentations. They were very informative. Thank you for coming.
I think you mentioned that it's our job to make public policy. I think you're trying to have input into that policy, and I think that's important. I'm very concerned about a lot of things around oil and gas exploration, which you talked about. I have a question around the sustainability aspect of it.
Mr. Peeling, when you were going through the beginning of your document, my very first question was, how can the development of the oil sands be considered sustainable because it's a finite resource? I didn't really feel that, even though you were explaining it, I had an answer. I think the definition of it is that it's something left for the future, and if we use it all up then there's nothing left. So I'm curious about that aspect of it.
But I also have a number of questions with regard to how the oil sands are in the Mining Association of Canada. I think Mr. Cullen started that question, but I have some more questions on it. I'll let you just answer the first one.