I believe so. I think it was $124 billion. It was $138 billion total; $14 billion for Alberta and $124 billion for the federal government.
In any event, Mr. Peeling, you indicated on page 4 of your deck that mining is the largest private sector employer--and growing--of aboriginal Canadians. You'll know that the unemployment rate among Canada's first nations, Inuit, and Métis is disproportionately high compared to the non-aboriginal community. That's beyond dispute.
I have two questions then. In which province or provinces, principally, do you see the potential for more involvement by first nations, Inuit, and Métis? On page 9 of your deck you make reference to a respect for the “unique role, contribution and concerns of first nations, Inuit and Métis”. I'm wondering if you could focus on what potential there is Canada-wide to involve more of our aboriginal brothers and sisters. Secondly, what concerns particularly are felt by aboriginals vis-à-vis this type of development?