Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'm very pleased to be here today to brief the committee on the challenges and opportunities of technology development related to water in the oil sands. I believe you have a copy of the deck that's been made available to you by the clerk. I'll speak to that this afternoon with my colleague, Dr. Kim Kasperski, who is here from our NRCan lab at Devon, Alberta, where she is the team leader of the water management group. In addition to being expert on these issues, she was recently asked by the industry to chair their committee on research and development on water in the oil sands, so she is a real expert.
We'll be focusing on R and D matters today. Any questions on policy on the oil sands we would have to refer to the relevant ministers; also, any questions on the Clean Air Act and how it might affect the oil sands would be best dealt with I think by the policy leads at Environment Canada. Within those constraints we're happy to provide as much information as we can.
There are three laboratories undertaking energy research in NRCan. They are the CANMET Energy Technology Centres in Ottawa, Varennes, and Devon, which is near Edmonton. In fact, next year energy research at NRCan will be celebrating 100 years of service to Canadians.
In the Advance Separation Technologies Laboratory, or AST, of CETC-Devon, there are about 16 scientists and engineers with a support staff of 23 technologists.
This lab focusses both on fundamental research and developing technologies to reduce the environmental impact of oil sands development. This includes tailings treatment, water management, bitumen extraction and froth treatment: everything from after the ore is mined to when the bitumen is sent to the upgrader.
The other group at Devon is the National Centre for Upgrading Technology which focusses, as the name suggests, on upgrading the bitumen to synthetic crude oil and the production of fuels. It has a scientific staff of 53.
Slide 3 of the deck shows that our lab in Devon has focused in particular on issues surrounding surface mine oil sands. The lab plays several roles in this regard. First, the scientists help industry to understand how tailings management and water chemistry affect oil sands development and reclamation. Second, we provide expertise to develop new technologies to reduce the effect of oil sands development on water resources. Third, we evaluate new oil sands developments during the environmental assessment process. In all these roles, the scientists are helping to improve the environmental management of an important energy resource, and in that we share the same objective that Mary Griffiths just spoke about, to reduce the use of water per barrel of oil produced.
I'm moving now to slide 4. I understand that you'll soon be visiting the oil sands, so these photos may show some of the sites that you're going to see. As you can tell, the tailings ponds, reflected in the photos on slide 4, are the liquid left over from the oil sand separation process and are a very significant feature of the landscape. Water management and tailings pond management are therefore a very important feature of environmental, scientific, and industrial research and development. The left-hand picture is the original Syncrude mine site. The original tailings pond, Mildred Lake, is in the top centre of the photo. An additional pond is the southwest sand storage, seen to the bottom left of the photo. The right-hand picture is a small section of the Suncor site, showing pond 1 on the right-hand side of the river. This was originally meant to hold all the tailings, but the tailings properties forced them to build more and bigger ponds, as Mary mentioned.
The problem is that while the sand in the waste stream settles rapidly when it's dumped into the pond, the clay stays suspended, and over about three years it forms a thin sludge called mature fine tails, which is why they're called tailings ponds. This is about the consistency of ketchup, and it doesn't settle any further. The water in these ponds is much saltier than river water, and it is toxic, due to the presence of naphthenic acids, although this toxicity does disappear with time, as natural bacteria break down the naphthenic acid molecules, usually over one or two years.
In addition to the tailings ponds of these surface mining companies, there is now Shell/Albian, which is in operation; CNRL, which is being built; Synenco; Deer Creek; Imperial Oil; and PetroCanada. All are in the planning stages, and there are expansions at the existing sites.
On slide 5 you can see that tailings ponds are proliferating and are covering oil sands deposits. This satellite picture shows the Syncrude Aurora and Shell/Albian sites to the north and the Syncrude and the Suncor sites to the south. The tailings ponds can be seen clearly, and you can understand from this photo that water is a significant issue in the oil sands, directly related to the number, location, and quality of tailings ponds. Our CETC-Devon scientists are now working with Suncor to develop methods so that by 2010, pond 1, which you saw in the photo, can be capped and reclaimed. That will be a very significant achievement for the oil sands.
On slide 6 the diagram shows how water is recycled in a surface mining oil sands operation. The recycle rate—and this, I know, has been a matter of some question at the committee—varies between 50% and 80%. This particular diagram shows that it's 74%. This also illustrates a very important point in that everything is inextricably linked. Changing one part of the process--for example, adding a new chemical to the tailings stream--will affect every other part of the process, including bitumen extraction efficiency. In situ operations are a different story. They also recycle water, but they can get back about 90% of the water they pump as steam into the formation, and even more, if there happens to be water in the formations as well as the bitumen. If they treat the recovered water, as some operations do, to create dry waste salts and cleaner water to make steam, they can recycle 90%. However, some of the operations only treat the water to a point that produces sludge or a brine stream, which is disposed of. So the recycle rate varies between 60% and 70% in those cases because of the water lost in the waste streams.
On slide 7, the two main issues regarding water and oil sands are the amount of the water used and the quality of the water used. With increasing development, there is an increasing demand on the Athabasca River to supply the water needs of the surface mining operations. How much water is needed by an operation is determined by how much is used in the extraction process by the operation and how much can be recovered from the tailings.
The quality of the water is important, because the wrong chemistry can reduce bitumen extraction efficiency, resulting in bitumen being sent as waste to the ponds. The water quality also affects how the minerals settle in the tailings ponds and, ultimately, affects reclamation, because the salinity of the water left in the settled solids affects, for example, the growth of plants.
On slide 8,
there has been a significant program on tailings research at Devon for about 15 years. Water has always been a part of this because of the inextricable link between tailings properties and water chemistry and use.
Our research has focussed mainly on the following aspects: increasing water recovery, understanding tailings properties and behaviour and using computer modeling to predict process water chemistry.
In the last few years, we have expanded the research in the water area to include new developments for better re-use and discharge of water, as well as understanding what happens to chemicals in oil sands process water.
Per slide 9, we have always worked through methods of collaboration. For example, the Fine Tails Fundamental Consortium was a five-year joint effort by industry, universities, and federal and provincial labs to develop a way to deal with the massive problem of accumulating oil sands fine tailings. These are small particle, clay suspension tailings. The total effort from all sectors was about $3.8 million per year. Out of this project came the consolidated tailings treatment method. This is really important research, providing the model for the current oil sands research network, called the Canadian Oil Sands Network for Research and Development, or CONRAD, involving industry, government, and universities.
Regarding slide 10, the Oil Sands Tailings Research Facility, a $2.5 million facility, was built at CETC-Devon in 2004 under the auspices of the University of Alberta to undertake pilot projects on tailings treatment methods. We work closely with the University of Alberta: some of our scientists are adjunct professors there, and post-graduate students work at our lab. We also work closely with scientists and engineers from the companies, because pre-competitive research such as this can be used by every company to the benefit of all of them.
Slide 11 shows an important tailings treatment that CETC-Devon had a leadership role in developing, called consolidated tailings. It mixes fresh sand and oil sludge, and it adds waste gypsum from the flue gas scrubbers on site, to create a mixture in which the sand and clay settle together quickly to a solid surface. The picture in the upper middle is of consolidated tailings made with gypsum, and it shows two CETC-Devon scientists standing on top of their work; so you can see it really is solid. The one on the right is of consolidated tailings made with carbon dioxide. The gypsum consolidated tailings process is being used at Suncor, and its pond is shown on the bottom right. In fact, due to the pioneering work at CETC-Devon, all new operators now include some form of thickening to reduce pond sizes. This solidifying process reduces the amount of water tied up in the tailings and therefore increases the free water available. About 15% of the total tailings produced has been consolidated tailings, showing there's still a long way to go and there's a lot more we can do in this area. But still, it has reduced the projected fine tailings inventory by about 10%, or 55 to 75 million cubic metres. That's a lot.
At CETC-Devon, research in this area has been an ongoing effort, which has included in-house and joint industry cost-recovery projects, ranging from fundamental studies of tailings properties and what affects them, to pilot demonstrations of tailings treatments. The latest development is the use of carbon dioxide to make consolidated tailings. In fact, this has led Canadian Natural Resources Limited, or CNRL, as it's also known, to adopt this treatment method for their new Horizon oil sands mine.
Slide 12 shows that CETC-Devon has an extensive research program into fundamental science affecting all aspects of oil sands operations. For example, it's important to understand the properties of clay when considering new tailings treatments. Our scientists were also commissioned to write a comprehensive review of extraction and water chemistry, which is now widely used in the industry. Our scientists—Kim and her team—have also constructed a database of water treatment methods, focusing on emerging technologies relevant to the oil sands industry. They will use this database to focus an in-house research program on promising treatment methods.
Slide 13,
shows that it is important to understand what happens to chemicals in oil sands process water. A new program aims to model what determines where molecules such as organic solvents or toxic naphthenic acids end up: in the water, the solids or the air.
We want to be able to answer such questions as: “If the operator changes the pH of their process, what will that do to the toxicity of the water?“
From the answers, we can address environmental solutions.
In conclusion, there is slide 14. As you are well aware from your study of water in the oil sands, the issues are complex, due to the interrelationship of all aspects of oil sands operations. Changing one part of the process can have consequences at any other point, from production through reclamation.
Our NRCan lab at Devon is working together with the scientists and engineers in the companies and universities to understand the problems and find solutions to the challenges. Working together in pre-competitive research such as this allows knowledge to be used by all the companies in the oil sands, as well as by the regulators, for the protection of the environment.
Thank you very much.
We'd be happy to respond to any questions you may have.