There is a concern, certainly, that there could be some leaching from the ponds, and one concern that they're discovering is there are a lot of buried channels, and they're still learning the location of the buried channels. They are sometimes only about a kilometre wide and up to 180 metres deep, and on the Alberta geological survey...I saw a map one year, and then the next year another map, and there were a lot more of these channels on the map. Because they are small, they are not always picked up by the routine surveying, and companies, when they come to do their operations, obviously survey at a much higher density, and they're actually telling the government where some of these channels are.
Of course, if it should be that there's a tailings pond built over one of these channels, and it's only fairly recently that they've discovered these, then there could be a real problem. I know that in Suncor's latest application they did a lot of work to identify within their project area whether there were any of these buried channels that they didn't know about, but this is something that is a concern, and hopefully there are none of these buried channels under any of the existing tailings ponds. There are not, to my knowledge, but I did hear that one SAGD operation has found unexpectedly that there was a buried channel within part of their lease area.