Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. I'm certainly pleased to speak with you today on behalf of Alberta's oil sands industry.
I would like to introduce two industry colleagues who have joined us for this meeting. Mark Shaw is the vice-president of oil sands sustainability for Suncor Energy, and Rob Seeley is vice-president of sustainable development and regulatory affairs for Albian Sands Energy.
As you know, the economic, environmental, and social impacts of oil sands development has become a topic of much public discussion lately.
We were pleased to have your committee in Fort McMurray yesterday, so you could see firsthand what exactly is going on in the oil sands. I hope you enjoyed your visit to Alberta's vast oil sands resource, and indeed your visit to Syncrude Canada.
I understand you have also heard from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and the Mining Association of Canada on these topics. I am pleased to complement those presentations by offering the direct view of oil sands operators to you today.
As you witnessed in Fort McMurray, while there is indeed a tremendous amount of activity under way, which is bringing many pressures to bear, it is our view that the positive outcome generated by our industry far outweighs the challenges we face. In the interest of time, I will focus my remarks today on economic contributions and environmental stewardship.
Let's deal with the economics first. As you know, the oil sands are a unique resource. They are quite unlike conventional oil and gas deposits, both in formation, recovery, and in the extraction methods as well. Because of this, a generic royalty regime was proposed by the National Oil Sands Task Force to recognize the special circumstances presented by oil sands investment and the operating environment we operate in.
Some key differences include the fact that higher capital expenditures are required to establish or expand oil sands projects than are needed to drill an oil well. This is especially true for oil sands surface mines and upgraders that tend to require capital in the order of many billions of dollars. I'm sure you had the sense of that on your tour yesterday.
Once built, the unit operating costs are also significantly higher than conventional oil and gas. Likewise, sustaining capital costs to maintain these complex facilities, which have a typical lifespan of about 50 years, are also higher. Because of the longevity of our projects and the significant commodity price fluctuations that can occur, we are exposed to a higher variance in economic performance over the life of an oil sands project.
Compounding this issue is the fact that once built, an oil sands plant operates on a continuous basis and cannot be shut down during times of low crude oil prices. In fact, if anything, the opposite is true. When crude oil prices go down, we try to maximize our volumes so we can get a lower unit cost and try to maintain positive cashflow. As a result, oil sands developers must take a long-term view to resource development.
The generic royalty regime was established to recognize these unique aspects of oil sands development and provide a fair and equitable balance between risk and reward. In fact, this regime was established to encourage the development of the oil sands and overcome the barriers presented by high capital costs in the face of an uncertain long-term fiscal regime. It has taken nearly ten years to begin to attract this large-scale capital investment. I believe we must maintain this stable fiscal regime or investor confidence will most certainly be shaken.
We recognize that there are many challenges in developing these deposits. Labour and material supply are probably two of the most pressing challenges at this particular point in time. Importantly, these challenges speak to how the industry will pace development in an appropriate manner. If project operators are unable to secure the people, supplies, and the services they need, then they will voluntarily take appropriate action to manage that situation. In fact, this has already been demonstrated to be the case. That is why we believe the market economy should prevail.
Just to elaborate on that a little bit, as the supply of labour becomes shorter, the costs of that labour go up, and the costs of materials go up. All of that gets fed into the economic evaluation of the projects. As those prices go up, people tend to take longer to make their decisions. We've already seen some of the projects move out to the right in time, so the marketplace is really prevailing there, and if crude oil prices fell and those costs continued to go up, then those decisions would be made based on the merits of the economic evaluation at the time.
The Alberta government receives royalties according to a pre-payout and post-payout formula. Currently, more than 50% of the oil sands projects that are in production are at the higher rate of early payout, so there are more than half that are now at the full rate. In 2005, the Alberta government collected about $827 million in royalties from oil sands development. This number will more than double to a projected $1.8 billion in 2006. Several major projects, including Syncrude's UE1 expansion, which you saw yesterday, and Suncor's Millennium Cogeneration Project came into full payout.
The industry's royalty contribution to the people of Alberta will continue to climb dramatically over the next several years as more oil sands projects come online.
In addition to royalties, governments receive corporate and personal taxes from oil sands companies and their employees. If we look ahead to 2008, if we assume a crude oil price of U.S. $50 a barrel, royalties for that period could be projected at $2 billion. There will be almost an additional $1 billion collected in an Alberta corporate tax, so it's about $3 billion for the province between royalties and corporate tax. As well, the federal government will benefit handsomely, with a take that is even greater than that of the Province of Alberta.
In the longer range, we project that the provincial government will take in between $5 billion and $7 billion per year in tax and royalty payments by about 2015. Therefore, we submit that any comparison of royalty regimes with other jurisdictions needs to consider both the unique aspects of oil sands development and the total financial benefit to governments over the life of these projects. The significant direct and indirect economic activity and job growth created by the oil sands should also be considered. In 2005, for example, the $8 billion that was invested in the oil sands created jobs and worked for stability and increased economic activity from one end of the country to the other.
Our industry forecasts that capital expenditures over the next five years will annually range between $8 billion and $12 billion, for a total of about $54 billion. Importantly, this figure does not include the billions more that will be spent on sustaining capital and operating expenses on these facilities after they go into operation, post the construction period.
About 40¢ of every dollar spent by an oil sands developer goes beyond Alberta's borders, and this constitutes a significant contributor to the Canadian economy. It ensures that all Canadians ultimately benefit from oil sands development through job creation and manufacturing opportunities. This flow-through effect has been verified by the Canadian Energy Research Institute as well as by external independent studies.
These days, it is clear to pretty well every Canadian that the oil sands generate thousands of jobs, everything from trades to professional and technical positions, and while fabrication and manufacturing opportunities are being felt primarily in the Edmonton region, other areas across Canada benefit as well through subcontracting. One need only consider the number of direct flights that have been added between Fort McMurray and other parts of Canada over the past few years to gauge the economic impact of oil sands across the entire country.
We anticipate that the $54 billion on capital investment projected over the next five years will create 26,000 direct jobs by 2011. For each of these, studies indicate a further three jobs are created in the service and support sectors, resulting in a total of 100,000 jobs created.
Our industry does a very thorough job in generating projections for both spending and job creation. Oil sands companies participate in surveys so that we can produce activity forecasts and provide highly detailed information that is then shared with local and provincial stakeholders to facilitate their planning for development. Nowhere else in Canada is there such a comprehensive projection done, along with the analysis of potential socio-economic impacts and the benefits to the region, the province, and to the country as a whole.
Having provided you with some background and facts about oil sands development, let me now turn to our industry's vision for the future. We see a tremendous wealth of resource and opportunity at our doorstep that can be and should be responsibly developed for the benefit of all Canadians. This requires a collaborative effort between government, industry, and community stakeholders if it is to be accomplished in a manner that manages and respects the environment, while generating a positive legacy of opportunity for future generations.
We envision a secure economic future for Canada, with oil sands development as one of the pillars of that future. We also see a country that is a centre of excellence for innovation, for technological advancement, and for environmental stewardship. Through investment and research and development, industry and government can continue to lead the way with a sustainable oil sands industry, one that continuously improves in its environmental mitigation and conservation efforts.
These innovations will no doubt assist in developing the oil sands resource, but they will also foster further projects of a broader social good. On this, I would like to point to the work of the Alberta Chamber of Resources, which has really done an excellent job of laying out a technology vision in its oil sands technology road map. The road map describes many of the internal and external challenges that must be addressed to achieve the industry's growth vision in a manner that is economically, environmentally, and socially responsible. It notes that investments in technology development for the industry must be dedicated and sustained, and that governments and industry need to develop a collaborative, long-term strategy. Importantly, while many gains have been made in organized research and development, and indeed in operational practices, we still need fresh approaches and a diligent focus on this task.
I could give you a litany of examples of environmental process improvements that have been enabled by research and development, but that's not why we're here today. We're here to discuss how we can move the oil sands forward in a responsible manner, one that protects the environment while also protecting the very significant economic benefits that come from the development of this resource.
Now all of this is to say that we know what our environmental challenges are and we are committed to dealing with them, and we have been dealing with them, whether it pertains to water use, to energy use, to tailings management, to land reclamation, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, or other issues. In fact, just as technology development has been a driving force in achieving improved economics for the oil sands industry over its first 40 years of commercial operation, cooperative technology development will be the key that helps us to meet our increasing environmental challenges as well.
Over the last decade or so, there has been a significant amount of R and D coordination and work taking place in organizations like the Canadian Oil Sands Network for Research and Development, the Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada, the CANMET Energy Technology Centre, near Edmonton, the Alberta Energy Research Institute, the Alberta Research Council, the National Research Council, here in Ottawa, and any number of universities. This indicates that the need for a renewed approach to a technology development plan does not start from zero. There is already a significant knowledge base.
In fact, there's an excellent research base to build on if industry takes a leading role in funding and encouraging further research and development, with the support of our governments and the research institutes. Collaboration will facilitate long-term funding and it will help produce more all-encompassing and more effective outcomes. Admittedly, some of this is relatively uncharted territory, but I do believe we have more to go on than just a wing and a prayer on this. We have significant bodies of scientific knowledge that did not exist, for example, when Syncrude first commenced operation.
So because crude oil will continue to be a primary energy source well into the foreseeable future and because we have this vast resource right in our own backyard, we should use oil sands development as the bridge between the hydrocarbon era and future energy forums--and we should reap the benefits while we can; otherwise the opportunity will be lost forever.
In conclusion, let me reiterate the opportunity for industry, governments, and various R and D providers to reinforce our current R and D efforts, to coordinate a wider technology development agenda, and to generate the outcomes that we all want to see. We currently do much good, but we could do better, and we recognize that our licence to operate comes from society. So let's recognize the great distance that we've already travelled on that road towards a more sustainable oil sands industry. Let's build on all the work that we've already done and the cooperative R and D structures that are already in place by dedicating adequate resources to meeting these very compelling challenges. Obviously, this will be a joint venture among industry, governments, and society, and it will certainly require substantial commitment on all of our parts. Where there is the will, there is also, most certainly, the way.
For these reasons, Mr. Chairman, we believe oil sands development can proceed in a manner that is compatible with the public interest. We feel strongly that this resource can create significant and sustained value for all citizens of Canada and that our issues can be responsibly and appropriately managed if there is the will among all stakeholders to do so.
With that, I thank you for hearing from us today. We would be pleased to entertain your questions.
Thank you.