I would add to that.
Suncor was the first in this business, working cooperatively with Syncrude over a period of about 25 years. We have invested in technology to enable us to turn our tailings ponds into these solid landscapes that would then reach equivalent capability as we reclaim them. Suncor is very committed to returning the landscape to its natural, pre-disturbance-equivalent capability. All of us have significant reserves that will last many decades.
We live in this community, so we fully intend to deliver on that. It's actually also my personal responsibility within Suncor to achieve that. We were the first in this business, and we're very close to reclaiming our first pond. Being the first in the industry, we'll be the first to achieve that, and within the next few years you'll be able to walk on what is currently a lake. It's not very deep now because it's almost filled in and it's almost turned into a solid landscape. Within a few years we'll be able to show that.
As one of our tests, we ask local aboriginal elders who grew up in this land to walk through our reclaimed landscapes and tell us if they can tell if it's a created landscape or a natural forest. That's one of our tests. They can't tell that it's landscape that we've created. So we're very committed to this, and we're very close to being able to do it.
To touch on one of the points that Mr. Clarke made, we do have a fair amount of water that is currently tied up in tailings ponds. As we turn these into a solid landscape, the technology to make that water—water that we currently recycle through our process, thus enabling us to reduce our footprint from the Athabasca River—capable of release to the natural environment is technology well used today, and we'll continue to do that.