I'd reiterate Mr. Friesen's comment that oil sands mining is expected to affect 3,000 square kilometres, whereas the SAGD, the steam-assisted gravity drainages, could affect almost 140,000 square kilometres. There is a large area that could be affected by this type of development. The intensity of seismic lines, pipelines, roads, and well sites is much denser in SAGD development than in conventional oil extraction, so there certainly is concern that it will be a large change to the ecosystem.
There are best practices available to help reduce the intensity of disturbance. For example, there's a need for a lot of seismic lines for this type of development. If the lines are made quite narrow, such as 1.5 metres in width, then it's much more likely that they'll reclaim back to forest in due fashion. There's a need for oil companies to use these best practices that are available to help minimize the development.