We have what we call the Wood Buffalo Environmental Association, which was established, I believe, back in 1995 when the first companies were mandated or required under Alberta Environment to set up a regional monitoring program. The program covers the entire regional municipality of Wood Buffalo, and we have a number of air stations that are scattered throughout the region, all the way up to Fort Chipewyan, and certainly around Fort McMurray itself, and around each of the facilities. So the operators designed or established their own ambient air quality monitors, and those are all then donated into the Wood Buffalo region.
Also, each company is required under legislation to do its own stack monitoring as well. So we do direct emissions from each project, we do the ambient trailers, and we do passive monitors throughout the region. It's probably one of the most extensively monitored air sheds in Alberta, and there are several air sheds that are set up using the same CASA, or Clean Air Strategic Alliance, approach.