That's valid, and I think that's correct.
I want to refer back to something. The development of this technology would put all the companies involved in this at an advantage worldwide as we move towards the Kyoto era, which we are moving into. So once again, how to invest, who to invest in, and who should pay the piper for the cost of making these things happen are elements that I think have to come into this equation. It's more complex than simply saying okay, you're going to reduce by 20 megatonnes if we invest in you for these purposes.
Many of the other technologies have already had their time in investment and now are are looking for a chance to recoup that investment they've made on their own. If you take the solar thermal industry in Canada, for instance, I know the comparable numbers. They're looking pretty good on their side rather than on your side.
I'll be happy to see you present these numbers, because you're in a competitive business, to stand up to the other company, the other ideas, and the other technologies in what you're proposing. That's why I guess this committee would have to look at that in that regard.