That's a very valid question, and I appreciate it.
I think the key thing to remember is that it's a question of scale. If Canada wants to make significant reductions in its emission levels, many of those alternatives that you talk about are going to be very valid ones. The whole concept of the wedges that was put forward by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy was that we need to take action on all fronts. We need to be doing energy conservation. We need to be switching to lower-carbon fuels. We need to be doing renewables. Those projects have merit, and we believe should be supported.
However, we haven't done a discrete analysis to compare our costs per tonne with some of these other sources. From some of the public media we've been tracking, some of the ideas such as ethanol and wind power, for example, have very small incremental impacts on carbon dioxide emission reductions, because those projects are close to being commercial and are being done anyway, in some cases.
We think it's really important to focus on all technologies in taking an approach on all the means we have at our disposal.