Thank you.
I should intervene here and say that we have had some discussion with regard to calling former ministers before Parliament or before a committee to respond to matters that occurred when they were ministers. I think there is considerable precedent in this regard. They can't be obliged to attend. The clerk advises and my own research suggests that they can be invited to come but they're not obliged to come.
I just leave that with you. We do have a former minister here who might shed some light on it, but I don't need to ask him what his answer would be.
In any event, I take it that we do have an amendment to the motion. For the benefit of the clerk and the members, the original motion suggested that the committee would request an appearance by the Minister of Industry, the former Minister of Industry, and representatives of Natural Resources Canada. Those references would be deleted. Otherwise, the motion would remain the same.
Is that correct, Mr. Gourde?