Precisely my point. I wasn't in any way meaning to be disrespectful of your comment. I was simply saying that because you didn't know it, it was not an indication that it wasn't public knowledge. They have all kinds of information, and if they're not asked the question, I don't think it's fair to suggest that they would offer up that specific point among thousands of others that you didn't ask.
In any event, I don't think we're going anywhere with that point; I just wanted to say that I thought there was a suggestion there that some of the witnesses may have withheld information that they should have given you, but I don't know how they could have known you wanted that information. There were several references by several witnesses about potential increases in development and barrels per day throughout.
In any event, it's not a big point; I just didn't want to malign any witness for withholding information they weren't even asked about.
With that, I think we should carry on.
Mr. Tonks had a question, and then Mr. Gourde.