The question of development of an east-west grid in Canada is, I guess, one that's a perennial issue that has been studied from time to time. The federal government had a program of fostering regional interconnections for about 25 years, between about 1970 and 1995. The program at that time would provide loans at crown corporation borrowing rates for half the cost of studies of major new east-west interconnections. That policy existed in the federal government for about 25 years but was wound up in the early or mid nineties in conjunction with program review.
Since then, there have been a number of developments under study by the provinces for developing new interconnections. I guess the ones people talk about the most are a major project in Manitoba called Conawapa, into Ontario; the efforts of the Government of Newfoundland to develop the lower Churchill development, which is an ancillary development to Churchill Falls, which is already in existence; and there's a proposal to develop the Slave River deposit in the Northwest Territories and move it down through Alberta to Saskatchewan. There are a number of these initiatives that are really under review right now. In some cases, it's a matter of negotiations.