Again, from a solar perspective, we wouldn't exactly know when the crossover point would be.
I think one of the other unknown elements involved in all energy production is the amount of support it gets from many levels of government. So when you look at the nuclear industry, which started in the forties and continues today, the amount of money being poured into that industry that is not factored into the cost per watt is somewhat unknown from a support perspective.
I think all of the renewable sectors could probably easily compete if we had the same type of support.
Bear in mind that all energy produced in Canada has ramifications. When you build a dam, you can certainly look at the amount it costs to put in concrete, but when you look at the number of trees and animals displaced, it's pretty hard to put a cost on that.
Again, there's a lot of controversy that goes with all energy development, except sometimes in the renewable field, particularly with solar power because it's so passive. It can be put on roofs, it can be built into roofs, it can be built into windows or into all sorts of infrastructure already there and that we're using.
So when you talk about the cost of energy, again, it's really hard to wrap one's arms around each watt, but I would say that if the solar industry had as much support as other industries did, we'd be very successful in Canada.