I'll add quickly that on the large utility-scale production, the work that's going on in integration does deal with existing sources. In terms of the renewable perspective, the main links that are being looked at for wind are wind-hydro linkages in provinces like Quebec, B.C., Manitoba, and Newfoundland.
At the level of the building, it's interesting. The small wind energy sector in Canada has not had the same sort of takeoff as we've seen with large wind energy systems. That's because we, frankly, don't have the same sorts of policy framework and supports in place to actually facilitate the deployment of small wind.
We actually have in Canada half of the world's manufacturers of small wind turbines that are rated between 20 kilowatts and 100 kilowatts. All of those companies have survived because they export technology. They don't have a domestic market for that technology. Until that happens, the analysis of how this integrates with other things at the building level is a kind of futuristic thing.