The two processes, as you are probably well aware, are different.
In Newfoundland, the process is time driven. It's built into the legislation that certain things have to happen on certain days, and it's very tight, timing-wise. It has moved along more quickly just because they have deadlines to meet legislatively.
On the federal side, the submission has been made, and we're waiting to hear—we expect imminently to hear—where they are. The next step in the process is for the federal government to come back and say that they understand and that this is what they recommend. They will sit then with the province and do a harmonization. That would be the obvious thing—they would agree to do this together and merge both processes. After that they will instruct us as to timelines.
Right now we're waiting, but I think we're still within the timeframes we've expected. Hopefully over the next week or two we're going to get some answers and we'll be able to maintain our schedule.