To respond in part to your initial question about why this isn't happening as quickly as everyone might want, I think many people believe when they're buying a new home that of course it's energy efficient; why wouldn't it be? It's new; of course it should be good. It should be built to a standard that will stand the test of time.
The slide that Gordon had in his stack showed the different levels of efficiency, based on a typical sort of 1950s house up to a net-zero.... The Energy Star homes are not the number one rating of efficiency for a home, but they're getting more and more successful. More and more traditional subdivisions are actually showing that as a home that meets a certain standard. It shows its difference from the house right beside it.
If we can push a bit farther to get that to more of an R-2000 style, and then look at the generation side of things.... Most people when they go home don't worry about their generation system; they perhaps want to put their feet up and think about the rest of the day. We have to move to a new way, where you're part of the solution as opposed to just part of the consumption problem maybe.