Yes, sure.
Let me first say that the minister will be accompanied by the deputy minister and an assistant deputy minister in his appearance on Wednesday next, two days hence.
When we were discussing the business of this committee, when we came back from the break, we decided to do this study on electricity, and I did suggest to the committee that we had the option of having witnesses to discuss the estimates.
It was the view of the committee at that time, without any direction from the chair, that we would invite the minister to come one day and answer a variety of questions, including questions on the budget. So that's what we have in fact scheduled. I don't do it. We extend the invitation, but the clerks obviously make these arrangements through the minister's office.
I can only say that it seems to me that if you didn't get all your questions answered, we would simply make the request again to have the minister appear again, or perhaps just have those officials in his department who would like to respond--