Thank you very much.
First, I can unequivocally say as directly as possible that they will absolutely not be exempt. In fact, every sector is going to be required to reduce greenhouse gases, and every sector is also going to be required to reduce smog.
You talk about intensity-based, and yes, there is intensity-based. But we believe that through aggressive targets, we can get to real reductions. We can turn the graph and start to go down.
All of our targets far exceed anything the previous Liberal government brought in. Even in terms of the plans brought in by them in 2005, just before they were thrown out of office, the numbers are absolutely and unequivocally far more severe.
The numbers speak for themselves: greenhouse gases are plus 35%. Let me put this in perspective. When they had 15 years, they could have gone from zero to minus 6%. Now we're at plus 35%, and they're saying, well, in five years, can't you go from plus 35% to minus 6%? It's not possible without having a devastating impact on the economy. So it's not possible, but—