The only thing we're asking for right now, as a coalition, is a contribution to the front-end engineering design work on the Genesee project, as well as the SaskPower and the Nova Scotia Power projects. Really, that will help us get through this initial period, and then we can decide as a coalition, as individual companies, what the industry is prepared to invest in.
The whole idea is to make the IDCC, for example, commercial. So right now we're not proposing subsidies and so forth. We'd like to see that those projects stand on their own feet and are economic.
In terms of regulation, I think we're seeing the guidance from the federal government in terms of their expectations around targets, particularly NOx and SOx and also mercury, as well as CO2. So I think from an industry point of view, we need to have certainty around those targets, so we know what the rules are, how we're expected to meet those targets and so forth. It's a matter of giving the industry certainty and then we can get on with it.