I'd just add a couple of comments to that.
It's true, rather than a vertical chain approach to value-added, you need to remember that in actual fact the real capture of value-added in Canada in this industry has been on a horizontal basis. It's all the engineering service companies, the environmental technology companies that are now supplying this industry and that are now also global in their business and follow the industry around the world that have been the real success story. It's the financial community, the legal community in Toronto, the Toronto Stock Exchange, and so on.
So the actual value-added has manifested itself in many different ways that even those of us who worked in government a long time ago didn't concede, because we were locked into that downstream value chain approach, which had not been terribly successful.
There are exceptions to that, but I want to talk about some of the other incentives. I won't call them incentives, in actual fact, because in many ways they are simply regularizing the ability of industry to invest appropriately. The recent moves within the budget, and even in the previous budget, to remove the capital tax and to remove the surtax on capital had been disincentives to productivity improvements. They're disincentives to innovation in a capital-intensive industry like this. So those developments for removal are hugely positive.
The removal of the jewellery surtax makes it easier for the jewellery industry to capture perhaps the benefits that ultimately might flow from the diamond industry in Canada, if we can get there, as Aber is getting there, and Tiffany, and so on. Those are positive developments.
As a related comment to an earlier question about taxes that flow, the mining sector, in four stages in 2005, paid $1.6 billion in corporate income tax. The oil and gas sector paid $2.3 billion, according to the preliminary numbers from the government. Now, of course, during down times and when we're losing money, we aren't paying tax. But in addition to that, there's personal income tax, royalties, and so on, at the provincial level--and the bulk, in a way, because the province's only resources, the primary tax flows, are the provincial government's.
But that's just a reminder to an earlier question.