Maybe I can answer the question with respect to smaller companies, starting with sustainable development programs. What the association, or PDAC, has done is to develop a program that we call environmental excellence in exploration. This is a web-based manual, if you want, of exploration good practices and how you do community engagement. It's about 1,500 pages long, so it's a comprehensive manual. The fact that it's web-based means that explorationists can access this wherever they are, in the field or in the head office.
Most junior companies do have sustainable development policies and they try to apply them. I think they do a pretty good job in most circumstances—and they find themselves in a whole bunch of different circumstances. I think what they're lacking, though, is some kind of overall benchmark or standard against which they can measure what they're doing. The PDAC is working in that direction to go beyond E3 and generate something a little bit more than that.
In terms of declining base metal reserves and whether other significant people are aware of this, like mayors of towns, they are very well aware of this. I think one thing we haven't done is to have mobilized those types of people to support our message about this to the federal government, a message we have been communicating for the last few months.
So that's my short answer to that one.