Because it's my first time with you as the chair, I'll let you have that latitude of now you can throw us the rules.
The environmental movement remains largely skittishly anti-nuclear, whereas the term “reuse” or “refurbishment” is essentially a fundamental of environmental training or anything that you'd study. A year ago here they had these regular breakfasts called Bacon and Eggheads by the science council. They demonstrated very clearly and articulately the relative safety of nuclear waste disposal--those types of things--and several of the options, but even at that there was no mention of this refurbishment concept. Now it seems it's like going to a sludge pit and finding gold in them there hills and that type of thing, which makes a lot of sense.
So I'm going to ask you this. How new is this refurbishment concept? It seems new to most of us. Secondly, has it helped make any progress in forming allegiances within the environmental movements and organizations?